Keep up to date with the latest RH & RW Clutton news
Thu 29 August 2019
In preparation for Brexit the Government has published its ‘Farming is Changing’ leaflet, outlining the proposals of the Agriculture Bill which, once enacted, will determine the future policy for English agriculture.
Among the information is reconfirmation of the timing for the phasing out of BPS between 2021 and 2027, changes to the Rural Development Programme and the transition from Countryside Stewardship (CS) to the new Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme. Although lacking in specific detail the document also outlines plans and reassurances relating to transparency in the supply chain, tree and plant health and animal health.
The full leaflet can be seen here:
Please do contact us here at RH & RW Clutton to discuss in greater detail any aspects of ‘Farming is Changing’. Whilst there is a lengthy transitional period set out by the Government, our Land Agents are busy assisting clients throughout the South East looking at the various options and restructuring farming businesses where possible, to ensure a smooth transition and lessen the impact of change.