Keep up to date with the latest RH & RW Clutton news
Tue 9 May 2023
At the Priceholme Trust (which provides almshouses in Ardingly) we are always on the lookout for new people to join our Board of Trustees.
The trust was established in 1959 and provides affordable homes for people who are ageing and of limited means. The 22 single and double units are grouped round a courtyard and provide a supportive and friendly community.
The basic requirement for Trustees is to attend 4 Trustee meetings a year to ensure compliance with the Charity Commission and to support the Manager in her important role. There are also opportunities to become involved more closely in pastoral and social roles at Priceholme, and all aspects of running and maintaining the estate.
The Trustee’s role is an interesting and rewarding one. If you are interested we would welcome meeting you and showing you around.
Please contact Tobin Dennis 07932 984744 ( Chairman of Trustees ) Or Anthea Hackett ( Trustee ) 07971 294405